Side effects of EDs that no one talks about?
Character voices that are the hardest to get right
high restriction ugh
I'm a mess (vent)
How to spoil text (also can a mod please pin these instructions, people are consistently confused)
i looked down and saw this
Tingling in my spine/back
Constantly strobing vision
What is best for cleaning?
I was gonna write tonight but AO3 is down, FUCK
baby moth?
My body chart (6 years of sh)
What, if anything, made your schizophrenia/psychosis worse?
Why are my calves taking weeks to heal?
When delusions destroy a friendship
What do YOU think is the most commonly unrealistic part of smut?
Gonna wear a bandage to work to hide my wrist cuts, what excuses do y’all use?
I have a honest question
Anyone elses stomach get upset after using the bathroom?
My first coal machine isn't working (I'm new)
Relapsed after eight months clean, also something very scary happened :( (TW: graphic detail)
You ever cut and not get the high
Rules to writing a fanfiction?
Leaving a fandom for your mental health