How much is 'too much' sidework?
Excluding $, what qualities make your favorite regular customer stand out?
Do You Say “Behind” or “Corner” at grocery stores/Costco/Res Depot
Did you guys have to buy all of your supplies?
How do y’all deal with a 12+ top that wants to do all separate checks?
We’re a “family”
Regulars who will say ANYTHING
What do you eat when you get home late and you seriously just cannot COPE with the idea of making food.
How old was the oldest person you've ever carded?
I work in a hotel restaurant an a lady gave me this saying “Here’s Jesus, since you can’t go to church this morning”
Phones with volume on
Funniest complaint
Best Pens
servers expect us to clean their tables
Sitting on the clock
Unwritten rules between servers?
stealing pens pet peeve
Serving vs. Management
Tomorrow is my first Valentine’s Day shift, what should I expect?
I'm sick of family members telling me I don't have a "real job"
Correcting Customers on Name?
How many doubles can you work in a row?