Auditioned for a network show, didn’t get it and then got asked to do BG on the same show…
What’s a book with a great story that you wish was written by a better writer?
Pattern for these sleeves?
Line of 5 interpretation?
[523] The Tracker
Do you listen to music while writing? If so, what kind?
[1444] A Southern Ghost Story
[786] Fish Beat
How did you get your scar?
Can anyone help me find this dress ?
Help with reading
[1308] Roadkill
[1120] Dreams of Autumn Wind and Rain
Should I stop subscribing to backstage?
What is best way to get comment karma up ?
What is that one trope that instantly takes you out of the story?
[2687] Romance two different chapter one versions
So how many of you have read Duplicity?
Anyone using cartomancy for magickal purposes?
[1228] The Carrion Gospels - Chapter 1: Baptism of Entropy
[1518] The Bug Collector
You're given a million of whatever you last googled. What is it?
What non-perfume products are you in love with for their fragrance?
When you can't grow a long mustache
What should I name my male budgie?