Lessons I learned from other Manga: “I should avoid highschool relationships” Dandadan: “I should check my ball count every 1 hour”
Love that timing with the flares, makes you question in their cheating or not
Let's see those suggestions
The pain, the suffering, it's all over... except now I have to stock grind it
Should I wait for Mini 5 Pro? Will it come?
How can I fix file read error 81110007? Can I solve this problem without uninstalling the game? Will I loose data of my 4 yr account if I delete the game and files? Someone please help!
What if they release Su 30/35 with the f-18 update?
Does chaffing while close to the ground do something? Without a notch why do people just randomly chaff when an amraam is fired in the beginning of the game
Does anyone know when the dev server will open?
F-18 10 AMRAAM loadout confirmed
Guys when does update dev livestream start usually?
When people say multipath and when you die they say skill issue. The situation I’m in:
Is my FPS average?
The elon musk move got me. why are average air rb players so unique?
SOMEONE HELP! Am I supposed to be in the match right now? When does it begin?
How or when will I enter the match?
Guess the fighter Jet
What is the launch range of R-77? On head-ons, side, rear aspect? Also at high altitude and high speed headons?
Guys here is the riddle of the year. The username may give you a hint.
What is that thing name and purpose on most russian jets especially sukhoi ?
What is your survivor score record?
Average turk pilots. You can see in the video that he is a professional in flipping teammates.
1/72 Ukraine SU-27 > What missiles are these?
Guys I got bad news, Eurofighter radar getting nerfed once again.. Here is a video that explains it. https://youtu.be/vJTMW3WmAvA?si=gqV6Ha6YCUecTZTg