What do you say, when someone says you look thinner/bigger?
yo is it lowkey fucked up that i compare my newborn weight to other ppl
“There’s no such thing as thin enough” doesn’t apply to me
Is my boob shape normal ?
Nobody has ever fucking watched your before and after recovery comparisons and wanted to recover
ED-coded behaviors that aren’t part of your ED ?
Guess people do treat you differently at different weights
How do I stop counting calories
It’s so accurate I can’t even be upset
I just got my period back
can the instagram poorly disguised thinspo influencers at least be honest and stop using insane body filters or photoshopping their body to unrealistic heights
No one hoards food like an Anorexic
Genuine question: why is it considered bad when people post bodychecks?
What kinda music do y'all listen to on walks?
How do you feel about women making objectifying jokes online about larger busts?
You are sus if you do disordered eating (gen z edition)
Was there a particular thing that set your ED into motion?
Whats your non-ed associated artists?
etsy is triggering me soooo much
What have you lost to your eating disorder?
Why do some gain weight fast?
Just got recommended to use this tool to measure my bra size. This cannot be right. I am even more confused?
So tired of being put down
girlfriends eating disorder makes intimacy hard for her
im afraid my ed is making me hate women