El Guardaespaldas de Messi sobre el ofrecimiento de Logan Paul al invitar a pelear a Leo para resolver su disputa legal.
¿por qué mi novio hace esto?
le revise el celu a mi novio (convivencia)
Brat bumper sticker on my green car
Too bold for 15 years old?
Estoy resentida
which letters of the alphabet are the most and least brat?
realmente se me ve mal el piercing?
Stampylonghead is getting flak for dating his now ex when he was 23 and they were 17
Which kpop girlgroup Song goes “Killer Killer“?
Se pone peor.
[Part 2] Sad comic
BTS jungkook attending other (non-bts) artists’ concerts
Lmao what’s going on with MLD?
Is it okay that the object goes before the subject?
Danielle in season 6 🩷 gorg
Your opinions on this guy?
do u guys see regina george on the wall too??
If you had to get rid of one of these which one would choose
Okay we may have strayed a little too far from God's light
A train is hurtling towards a French person (correction)
guy scammed me infront of so many ppl on tt live:/ idk what to do but it took me forever to get it and it was like 3k robux:(
Cheapest current way to buy robux?
Recien me entero que ayer se corto la luz en el partido de Huracan (The product en su esplendor)
Little edit I made
Trolling as a "pro player" in dandys world. Need I say more?