[US, US] [H] Mega Raquaza EX from XY [W] PayPal ($200)
[US,US] [H] Japanese Latios & Latias tag team gx alt art (gold case included) [W] Paypal, Trades
[US, US] [H] PayPal [W] Latios/Latias alternate art, gold star metagross nm/m
Would you use code "thanks" in private match for when you have no time/energy to battle but still want the 5 thanks a day?
Curb your expectation! You won't be able to trade Crown Rare Pikachu with a Heatmor
I’m 10-0 with this filthy piece of deck. Is this a known build? I just threw it together after getting my 2nd Omastar.
It’s Lowkey F2P, and if ur f2p u can have fun.
I just got onix today and I'm already in love. What a powerhouse. It tanks hit after hit and does enough to scare the ex cards out of the game.with brock it's very quickly becoming my favourite card
Let me play the devil's advocate for a second
What was the hype before Evolving Skies?
Someone told me to post this here
When to buy 151 booster box
[US,US][H] Slabs, Singles, PayPal [W] Paypal, Select Trades
[US,US] [H] Binder, Gold stars, Sealed cases, Poncho rayquaza, Tons of Alt arts, Tropies, Break Gold 10s, Vintage slabs, Van Goghs, Paypal, Much more! [W] Paypal, Possible trades
[US, US] [H] NM Vintage, Ex/ Aquapolis/Expedition, LCRH, Sealed Poncho Eevee, Modern Hits, SALE Silver Tempest BBs [W] PP G&S, possibly trades
[US,WW] [H] 151 ENG and JPN, masterballs, SIRS, IRs, Other Modern Hits [W] Primarily Trades, Paypal
[US, US] (H) Gold star, PC snorlax 151, Blastoise red dot, gengar 1st ed., tag team, Giratina AA, WOTC holos, error cards (W) Paypal, trades (wishlist)
[Mr. Jones Watches] King of Spades Watch (Ltd edition)
[US,US] [H] 151 poster collections, JP Gold star gyarados, M Rayquaza, Korean espeon alt art Slabs.[W] Paypal, Trades
Sam's Club has the classic box for $195 right now.
[US, US] [H] slabs, singles [W] PayPal F&F, trades
Rain City Pikachu price, still worth getting in on?
My modest Pokemon Center ETB collection
[US,US] [H] Paypal [W] Anything
[US, US][H] Two PSA 5 Kyogre Gold Star [W] Paypal