What was so bad about this movie?
Would you pay $700 for this?
We all know what think about Sando, but what about Sammich?
what is the BEST shameless season in your opinion?
Thoughts on this?
Does anybody hate Jason Momoa? Because in my head he’s one of those celebrities nobody hates.
Do It now
Badly describe your favourite Pokemon
Recipe called for 2 shallots
Do you have a unique favorite Pokemon? I need to know.
Any 90s cartoons you wish had a reboot or continued to finish the series?
Wrong answers only
I did it
What would be the worst Non Marvel/Dc superhero world to live in?
What’s a quote from a movie that you use all the time?
Nobody can tell me this movie isn’t Frank’s worst acid trip
True Color Image Of Every Planet In Our Solar System
Can I retrieve my excess skin after skin removal surgery to make a wallet?
Black currant and wild fennel gelee.
A new Waffle House brawl just dropped
Traumatize your own fandom with one image
American Airlines plane catches fire at Denver airport
Is this Sheppard pie
I’m making a stop motion film where every frame is a 3D print
One has to go - KidsWB Afterschool edition?