Kaise kahe hume Kitani Mohabbat Hai <3
Best served angst scenes?
[Text] This Was Meant to Find You: A Message of Hope and Self-Worth
Why has the world gone crazy in recent months?
Please contribute to my watchlist!
Kisi ne thik hi kaha hai
Bollywood songs back then vs now
What song lyrics are currently on your mind at this very moment while you are reading this post?
Radical Times -- These Are The People Who Do Not Wave [punk] (2025)
Dekho woh aa gaya 🐰🥕
Is Jennifer Winget the goat?
What are your words of wisdom for today?
Man Tu Talbat deserves to be heard by more people!
Movie Songs that had a Shayari as Intro/Prelude
give me some uplifting, OG, non-romantic, not about loving a girl playlist
Feels like I've been here before
If we weren't in the age of streaming/DVRs, what currently airing show would be appointment viewing for you?
Just watched ep4 of Baby Reindeer
Cyberpunk vs Solarpunk
ITV moments better than I love you?
What were you very “judgey” about until it happened to someone you know or to you?
Who is more popular and who is a better actor harshad or shaheer?
Good apps to play offline music?
The Lumineers - Sleep On The Floor [Indie] (2016)