Postpartum food prep
Jackie’s HANDS.
Tattoo regret - please help me deal with it
Having kids and gaining weight
When she said “ladies, sh*t in his house. First night” … she might’ve become my new favorite 😂😂😂
David protein bars
What is a cheap product that is surprisingly a holy grail item for you?
Must read books? preconception and preganancy
What age did you let your baby go out with other family members without you?
I’m making one cake a week until my skills improve. This week is st patty’s cake w/ bonus cupcakes
What’s harder? Pregnancy with a toddler, or toddler and a newborn?
Extremely dehydrated
Doctor told me to wait
Nutrition courses recommendation for plant based lifestyle
Going on 8 weeks pregnant. How much are y'all eating?
Is it valid for nannie’s to feel off put by parents not offering to feed us?
Pediatrician suggested 30 minutes of Ms. Rachel each day
Describe what parenting is like for you right now in one word.
What is your favorite cracker?
How long did your period start after having baby?
I’m… bitter
Snarky comments about my weight :/
Tips for 2-3 year age gap?
How weak should I feel in the gym?
What are we using for sunscreen?