I haven't smoked weed in almost two days now? I think?
Anyone over 25, drop your best relationship advice.
Most likely going to be homeless because even renting a room is too expensive
Can I get some good energy sent my way?
How would you disappear without a trace with limited resources if you could?
Songs about hatred/hurt towards family?
I could stay in bed all day
Does practicing being intentionally slower with your movements help you?
Can you ever honestly know another person?
Who was your first celebrity crush?
What’s a sound that instantly makes you happy?
I want to be skinny so bad
How much do you care if people like you?
What’s a subtle behavior that instantly reveals someone’s true personality?
Is it wrong to date your 2nd cousin?
is anxiety meds even worth it ?
What do you find impressive about yourself?
Should I take a shower today?
We 43f 45m are swingers but my hubby is getting more addicted to it....
What’s A Social Rule People Should Follow?
Smoking in dream
What accent is the most attractive to you?
What do people even talk about?
Name a song that makes you want to this:
I wish I ended it successfully