Finally something that does clone wars grittiness justice.
Imagine if Star Wars Was This Gruesome!
Judges 1:19
I think people like the idea of a protagonist being a complete nobody...until they actually get it.
BG3 director: Single-player games are not "dead"
How Lord of the Flies represents human nature could not be further from reality
Anyone else wish there was more race variety in companions?
Gang....we gotta step it up we've been out baldur'd by mainsub again.
If she tells you "You don't need to take Testosterone to be a man. It makes you bald, hairy and aggressive" when you tell her you want to take HRT then RUN!
Is he stupid?
Look at this funny meme! Get it? He rolled a NATURAL 20! IT'S BECAUSE A NAT 20 MEANS ANYTHING HE WANTS HAPPENS! THE! JOKE! IS! SEX!
Why is Orin’s Armor so bad?
Black Panther has listened to many Dr. Umar podcasts…
does anyone know why brandon sanderson seems to be so good at coming up with plot outlines and extraneous world building but not at actually writing the book?? any explanation??
Games where you start as a powerless kid
GURPS fixes this
4 Good reasons to renew the Acolythe 🥺
Your favorite quote/dialogue?
The destruction of 3rd spaces means less habitat for mall goths
I wonder... What build can go with this look?
I hear a lot about multi class, but is there any class that are better commiting too
Durgetash is overrated, Durge x Orin is canon and I will die on this hill
Me when no white lizard
So which of the Patch 8 subclasses are the best monoclass choices?