I've been playing for like the last 6 hours, this is what I think so far
Tattoo regret - please help me deal with it
5090 users, which game What was the first game you tried with your new 5090
33F Seeking roommate(F) to share 3 bed 2 bath
I get it’s just a game but fuckkkkk
Name the game which is extremely famous but you haven't played it even after years of gaming
First system advice needed
Life of an ambivert
Fresh vs 2 weeks in
18yo me sucks. lol
Does anyone else have this interface for sweat??
please help me how do i beat the spammers
At what age your face start become adult??
What sweat protection do you recommend?
25 F, no friends, no social media but I think I’m kinda cute. Humble me
Catching/countering guys rushing in damage increase
Why not increase glove size?
What boss comes to mind when you see this?
Any word on bigger gloves/ improved blocking?
New Tattoo Sleeve Anxiety
Mentally, I’m still here.
Devs read please
My office. I sometimes sleep here.
Is it time for this yet?
Whenever I rock someone they just clinch with me to recover