What’s a song that has an epic build-up and gives you goosebumps?
[IIL] Early 2000s pop punk music, what modern artists would I like?
AITAH for wanting a divorce coz my husband has repeated broken my trust.
What snack are you guys truly addicted to? Like if it’s around you, there’s no stopping you from eating it.
[TOMT] [YT VIDEO] [2005-2011] Luigi Mansion let's play that ended with the player screaming at the top of his lungs.
Just a vent, I hate trying to come up with a band name
ok now most tender song you ever listened to
AITAH - Girlfriend and I called it quits, but she has nowhere else to live now
Unpopular opinion
AITAH for refusing to give my coworker a ride after she assumed I would?
AIO for leaving my bf because he body shamed me
Can dogs not eat cheese?
AITAH for being upset with my wife (27F) for going to see a concert with her male friend
I’m searching for romantic and beautiful electronic love songs?
How do you guys make/organize playlists
Slower songs about trees or forests or with references or symbolism of trees or forests?
AITAH if I don’t think I’m the one who should sleep on the couch because my gf snores?
Looking for a rock song that uses the sax or other jazz instruments.
A movie that isn't popular, but you like it.
He pees on shoes.. don’t be fooled by that cute face.. let him have it!
What Serial Killer Or Mass Murderer Struck You The Hardest Emotionally And Why?
Do older people ever mourn the loss of their youth or are they okay with getting older?
Looking for songs that sound like echoes of lost dreams
How much money would it take to unf*ck your situation.