Chanel Ayan reunion look for Traitors 3 🐪 thoughts?
What small, ridiculous thing makes you irrationally angry??
Carolina 11/10
What age do you wish you could stay permanently?
Never been so satisfied with an ending
Do you drop everything you're doing/plan to do if a woman you know reaches out and wants to hang out at a time that's convenient for her?
Setting up our bracket for Hottest Bachelorette of All Time
Classmate (28F) touches me (27M) during lectures. How do I interpret this?
Men, what is your view on being alone vs married to the wrong person?
Men who became better listeners, what techniques actually worked for you?
Why is it women need foreplay and men need almost none?
How can you tell if a woman is interested in you romantically or sexually?
I feel violated and confused by what my fiancé did to me. WIBTAH if I told my parents?
I really love Boze this season
Men, where do you go when you just need to get away from everything and everyone?
Can't Believe I'm Saying This... but Erika is my fav housewife this season
Men of Reddit, what is your biggest emotional struggle?
Men of reddit, why is it that our solution to most relationship problems is to just leave and move on?
Where are the women that don’t want kids?
What is it like to get more than 1 woman pregnant?
The Fashion of RHOBH
If you could call yourself five years ago and had 30 seconds, what would you say?
AITA (27F) for asking my SO (27M) to unfollow women he’s slept with? He has a history of cheating.
Can men wait for marriage before having sex?