Do reading people's stories help you heal or fuel your anxiety? Or both?
Warning to younger Asians: If you don't push boundaries and rebel while you're younger; you will be absolutely terrified of any shred of independence when you're older.
Things you DIDN’T need ?
Did it get better after your baby hit the 3 month mark? If so, how?
What's something your narcissistic parent said to you that stays with you always?
What is the worst advice a narc parent pushed on you?
I just realized that the majority of my life has been filled with trauma, misery, depression, hopelessness and dread. All because I couldn't let go of the past. I wish I didn't care cause then, life would be more enjoyable.
How do you tell people you're NC with your parents?
Pregnant 5 months PP.
Moms: what are your favorite baby items that you can’t imagine life without?
BitBuy is not letting me Trade
What's your simple parenting hack?
Anyone give birth without annoucing pregnancy to parents?
Please tell me it gets better
Inside out 2- representation as a parent
Lonely journey of motherhood
Girls names beginning with A 😌
why the absolute FUCK are Asian parents critical of every mistake you make
What is the most insulting thing an enabler has said to you?
Going no contact again.
My APs dont want to let go of their control over my life
My first love broke up with me because of the way I was raised
PSA: My non-Asian friends and in-laws never understand why I even feel guilty about going NC with my parents.
Where do women in their mid 20s to mid 30s buy their clothes?
What stage of pregnancy are you at?