Which POI on new URZIKSTAN will be the “Storage” for quick gunfights.
Is anyone playing the newly released game, THE FINALS during the gap until MW3?
Nations Palestinians have been kicked out of.
Hezbolla declared war. Lets go get some!!!
Chinazi overseas student got arrested
Be honest, do you miss CALDERA?
How long do you think Warzone 2.0 has left?
Situation on the ground in Gaza. Blue shows scale of Israeli incursion into the strip
It’s incredible how the US military can reach the globe with resources. Show up at your front door step and nobody can do anything about it. Alexander and Genghis would be jealous.
B2 and B52 bombers, according to flightradar14, are in the air in anticipation for Hezbolla’s declaration of war tomorrow. Also the Presidential DoomsDay Plane has disabled its transponder. This behavior has never happened before.
Take: Warzone Pacific deserved better
If you are under 36, and if Islamic Terrorists attack USA, 9/11, magnitude, will you enlist to fight?
The Alps and Po Valley (by Sean Conway)
Earbuds for a side sleeper - $200usd and under
Size of the Gazza compared to Manhattan
I just got the Sennheiser HD 560s. Any cheap tube amplifiers you would recommend? I'm not super into audio but I want these to sound the best they can.
Boat tour vs helicopter
High-end Amp/DAC recommendations!
Should I play Warzone tonight? Or MW3 campaign?
HD650s - where to go from here?
Supersonic B1 Bombers with B61 Nuclear bombs have arrived to Incirlik Air Base Turkey.
Sexy machines just landed in Jordan to join the fight.
This is a absolutely awesome campaign
Which U.S or Canadian city is the closest in design to that of one in Europe? In a sense, which is the most easily nagivable by foot?
IDF have successfully bisected the terrorist enclave of Gaza. State of war against Hamas terror as of 2 Nov 19.00 IL