(44) Enjoying a relaxing Sunday with the house to myself
(44) Woke up with someone on my mind.
(44) I feel like today is going to be a good day
Ladies, what’s your thoughts on throuples? Would you join a couple?
All I can think about right now is her.
Ever have one of those days...
Would you give a friend oral?
Late night touching question
Your rule on kissing after oral sex??
How do you feel about sleeping nude?
Who is your favorite person and why?
(44) Something about this afternoon has left me a little excited.
Do women actually like watching guys cum?
Womens, what’s something about your boobs that you’ve noticed drives people crazy, even if you never intended it to?
Unsolicited titty pics yeah or nah?
What’s your favourite place to be touched that isn’t your genitals during sex?
Dad gets frisky after drinks with friends (35)
Coffee anyone?
Do you like hearing moans? Why or why not?
Would you or have you slept with a married person?
Morning wood again
If you could have one superpower what would it be?
What’s everyone doing today? Woke up late now my plans are scrapped. What should I do now?
What's worse... Being sexualy satisfied but not emotionally? Or being emotionally satisfied but not sexualy?
When did you last get hit on by a stranger, and what was their approach?