I'm not sure what is more embarrassing, her performance or his post.
We're an untapped market!
How do introverted people wish to be socially interacted with?
Can't remember the name of this mmo
You can add one inch to anything that exists. How do you cause the most chaos?
In America, names like John and Mary are known as common names. What are the "John" and "Mary" names of other countries?
What is easy to get into but hard to get out of?
for anyone here that has moderate-severe autism spectrum disorder: How do you expand your social circle as an adult? What coping mechanisms do you use in public?
What feels orgasmic without being sexual or doing drugs?
what song would you blare if youre driving a tank down the street destroying everything in your path?
What would you love more than anything right now?
What do other people accept as part of life that you personally cannot tolerate?
What is very dangerous and can attack at anytime?
What's your favorite Pokemon?
You have to choose one animal to ride into battle with? What is it and why?
What do you think women are generally much better at than guys?
In your experience, what is the best aspect to work on to attract the opposite sex?
What movie left you saying "Fuck yeah"?
I am the man your daughter can never get
Race to the top (x/post GTAV)
If you took a song and replaced the word "Love" with the word "Fuck", which song would end up being the best?
'Hein Sight'