If you could choose a Schrift...
Her magic trolled her hard
Astruc! This is not One Piece! STOP!!
Theory: You can have an Incomplete Shikai/Bankai as long as you get some part of Zanpakuto's Name Correct
Alya is not a bad friend! Revelator Spoiler!
I Redesigned Ladybug’s Costume, What Do You Think?
Kagami and Candice have a lot more in common that i thought
Simo x Razgriz @Tiana24116
I'm kinda surprised people aren't understanding this? (Revelator spoilers)
Ragna Crimson Chapter 82 - Raw
They should've just showcased Marinette's trauma a lot earlier instead of waiting over 100 episodes
he can't keep getting away with it!!
thougts on this fake episode list?
Are we seeing a Pattern here?
Would anyone read this idea?
Found clearer version on twitter.
Simo’s fight is peak and all, but WHOS READY FOR RASPUWIN???
Klub Outside: Most Interesting Q and A Answers by Kubo about Bleach
This is my favourite RoR ship by far
Werepapas set a low expectation for Revelator (SPOILER for Revelator, you've been warned)
Is Hachigen Ushoda the most overrated waifu of bleach in terms of beauty?
Imagine if the author kept Inshun alive just for the dinner scenes
full thing better quality
A weird trend ive seen happen over and over again.
The episode order changed??? Help