Ordered dwarf sag, this looks like Amazon sword?
Forbidden salad
It's happening again...
C02 or no C02
Shrimp experts kindly reply ?
anybody ever tried a dark start??
UNS 60 wip. Which layout do you prefer? Favorite shallow plants?
Any suggestions for my 10g male betta tank?
Can khuli loaches share a 20 gallon tank with nano shrimps?
Someone likes to lives their life on the edge
Ideas WELL above their station
Gavin will be on WeeklyMTG on February 11 talking about Commander
I'd be scared if he didn't look so silly
Greens in January....buy local. No immigrants needed
And you thought you had tank anxiety…meet my dinosaurs of destruction
Post trim
Ain't no party like a khuli loache party
Issues with chihiros light
Amano shrimp jumped on me. Twice.
Breakfast time
It has only been 1 month since i added shrimps and
Should I take these screws off?
How do you feed ur shrimp with a hungry betta
A handful of native Australians