Are these good to have? Is there anything else to pair with them?
Miswiring DC Offset
Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to Doppelgäng a ton of hares…
What cards run good with Emry
Was not ready for this combo to stack this hard
Rate my cats!
Can Hare Apparent compete in Standard? [Article]
I think Eldrazi decks are my favorite
Looking to get into historic
Yo Dawg, I heard you like Deep-Cavern Bat
Building deck
A gift-giving deck for Christmas
Historic question
What are your most fun decks?
Most amazing match of my life
I feel guilty
Alright king, go off
Most jaw dropping and overpowered combo you’ve seen?
Car needed at A school?
Can I have time off/ leave after boot camp?
the man the myth the legend. what the fuck lol
A-School Leave/Liberty
Whats the winter gear they issue in boot camp?
Leaving for bootcamp