My wife sketched the ceremony from A New Hope, with recognition to Rogue One's sacrifice recognized.
One of my mom's weekly texts to her IT guy (me)
Trip Report Destination Guatemala, First Solo Travel
Conflict of Interest
TV in the bedroom?
GUATEMALA Spontaneous Trip
What do you have your Action Button programmed to do?
How many bicycles in the bed?
Go Ahead and Rip It
Transmission issue
Weekly destination thread: Guatemala
Experience: I live on trains
Viaje a Belice de Flores - Traveling to Belize from Flores.
Quiero tomar un bus de Antigua a Guate. ¿Alguien sabe cuál es la ruta que usan los buses? ¿Dónde está el punto final de descenso? ¿Está en la Zona 4? Probablemente tomaré un Uber desde ese punto hasta mi destino final en Las Americas. ¡Gracias de antemano!
Guatemala: Travel Advice Needed; Petén to Izabal
Pregunta: Consejos para viajar de Petén a Puerto Barrios
Help needed: Squeaky engine on the turns
What are some features that you love that your LBS has, or wish had?
Help Needed: Need to adjust the headlight beams on my 2022 Premium Hatchback
What tire for light gravel
Are 2006 rear seats compatible with the 2008?
No clue what you're talking about
Morning light breaking through the canopy. Great way to start the day!
Gotta watch for slow moving “rocks” on the trail. 🐢
Not out of the ordinary to roll past a makeshift fire pit on some of the PA state forest trails.