Why are pushups so unbelievably difficult to do? Even Knee pushups are difficult.
I can't RDL/deadlift properly and I'm getting frustrated. I've watched several form videos and tried hip-hinging and practicing but I just cant get it right. Constantly feel it in my back
BEGINNER Romanian Deadlift. 16KG Barbell. Is my form okay?
When will I actually start seeing a few results from lifting? A month in now
The ALL OR NOTHING mindset, do you have it? If so how are you able to keep it up? Asking as an obese man who isn't in a deficit
One month of lifting complete. What should I do to improve my results in april?
Pedalboards and shoddy leads. Would you try and save a wah or just buy a new one?
Lifting while obese is really tedious, how would you rate my exercises?
It took me 45 minutes to do 6 exercises and I kept stalling in-between sets. Anyone else experienced this
I've only ever lost weight via unhealthy methods. How to do it without hating my life?
How do I know if I’m doing enough? I’m on week four
My Wah Wah and me. Multiple issues that need fixing. Worth just buying another one?
Combat sports is the only thing sport-related I watch. But I don't know what to actually do to get in shape as I am so physically weak.
Bass or keyboard? Which instrument is easier for a beginner to play?
President Donald Trump on the passing of heavyweight boxing legend George Foreman! RIP FOREMAN
To former obese guys with no athletic background. How were you able to avoid injury in your first few months? This is my third week of lifting!
Is getting a weightlifting belt a good thing for a beginner? I suffered lower back pain today during a RDL
You don’t realise how much junk food affects you, until you stop eating it
How to diet without losing my mind and burning out? Newbie lifter who’s obese
Hitting 10k steps seems impossible, only just managed 4.2k after an hour walking!