Warning of Barrington James Recruiters with fake jobs!
Please explain the hype behind Shreyas Doshi
Highly technical company - where is the place for PMs?
How to find motivation to get work done when nobody is online?
I took this photo in autumn a few years ago, somewhere around Lake Biel/Bienne.
12 monate temporärer job bei Grossunternehmen oder längere fixe Anstellung in StartUp?
What processes do actually work for you? (SAFe, etc)?
Is this the kind of life we need
12 month contractor in large company or stay longer tech startup?
Über Jahre erfolglose Bewerbungen für zwei Grossunternehmen. Was kann ich noch tun?
Have you ever used a career coach and was it worth it?
Transitioning from Data Science roles to Product Management?
New Watch, What do you think?
New wraps after rehooking Rebble to my iPhone through AltStore (WF - Phoenix Big). App's been running since January.
Feeling Lost in Your Career? Here Are Some Steps You Can Take to Find Your Way
Wie viel Ehrlichkeit ist auf die Frage "Warum wollen Sie wechseln?" in Bewerbungsgesprächen erlaubt?
Ich bin verzweifelt und möchte mir den Frust von der Seele schreiben!
Product Manager as an introvert?
What do you wish someone had told you when you first started being a product manager?
Any idea what could fit me if I decide to leave PM?
The state of the remote job market now...
Pebble Time to sell in EU for a crate of beer
Wie im Gespräch/Interview punkten trotz Angst die Anforderungen nicht zu erfüllen?
Are the birth rates dropping cause people believe world is a much shittier place now?
How do you handle your daughters being catcalled?