Boycott Kardashian/jenner
Small antler found in a South Jersey stream. Curious if it’s considered a fossil and how old it could be.
Monthly Suspect Meteorite Identification Requests
My 5yo dug this up at recess yesterday in South Jersey… 188g
I’m starting to think neither thing actually happened
Read About It
sTilL tHE BoTtoM oF tHe mOUnTaiN
Super Bowl 57 Revenge Game?
Boo hoo my team lost please feel sorry for us, daddy commanders and beat those bad boy Elgses 😭
Nice lead you have there. Hold my beer.
GrEg oLSeN
Ain’t nothing better than your local cover at your local brewery!!!Crickets&Cicadas at Tonewood Barrington NJ
Argue with me: Rogue One (2016) is the best Star Wars movie.
Trump skips FBI background checks for controversial cabinet picks, challenging security clearance legality
Sweet Baby Angel
You see it right?
Remove guy in background, clear up/lighten picture ($10 tip)
Too Soon?
A ton of seats still available for 9/1 in PNC and it looks like they dropped prices.
Plant life erupting through the tarmac pavement on a road near me in East London. Never seen anything like it!
Weekly Goose Discussion Thread
Still one of the best festivals I’ve ever been to!
What color is this?
Game Thread: White Sox @ Phillies - Sat, Apr 20 @ 06:05 PM EDT