On this day: S2E30
Gå hjem 19 News du er fuld (eller modig!)
Someone get im’ in Tour De France
Where to buy Jolly Cola in CPh
Vegan in Copenhagen
And people say she’s just a big pair of tits…
Dolly Parton, 1989
Underrated Karl stupidity moments
'Jeffing' is a training technique that will make your running easier – here's how to do it https://www.womenshealthmag.com/uk/fitness/running/a63817876/jeffing/
Sam Barber tickets
I think I need a consulting tattoo, give me some ideas
Looking for best all around Admin certification course
Refreshing Sandbox invalidates users. How to handle system users?
Club / Bar scene
Questions about a Masters program at the University of Copenhagen
On S2E15, the "best holiday ive ever had" moment, when Ricky is making the sucking noises and Karl is disgusted going "ughhhh" it kind of sounds like Rickys sucking Karl off.
Anyone in London want 2 x free tickets for Marsh (All Night Long) @ Fabric tonight?
Are we a dorky message board?
Man alive
All those feathers and he still couldn't fly.
Rockbuster: Toilet at a posh school in Berkshire
You couldn’t fucking retire?!
Sexy metal pants
It’s no Tits Avenue or Wanklin Drive
Going out on New Year's Eve
His head was in good condition only thing is , it wasn't attached to his head
Greek Corinthian Helmet dated 490 BC, the warriors scull was found inside.