I can't help but see how these two would fit in so well with the series
Found in a rundown cabin in the woods of the state park Natchez trace in Tennessee while I was hiking.
What is your favorite original animated show of the 2020s so far?
Uk ETA pay issues
Name someone who's green of St. Patrick's Day
Found her cleaning out my old barbie drawer but have no idea who is she?
Some people celebrate Festivus, others say May the 4th be with you- What unusual holiday do you celebrate or make reference to?
Do I need to provide a 2 week notice or can I have my resignation effective immediately?
I got my return to office from WFH because of a PIP, the end is near
Advice on how to help a rescue
Small vent
The "Real" face of call centers. Abuse
I need to know when to stop (even though I probably should've already)
Se fue la luz otra vez
I want to escape but I fear I can't get another job and resort back to another call centre
It's not too late to tell your loved ones how they've disappointed you!
Post your collection
I need to leave but don't know how to
Pressure washer art
A German company that sells cleaning equipment used its pressure washers to create a giant image of Godzilla on the Iwaya Kawauchi Dam in Saga Prefecture (Japan).
I have accessories but I don't have a dress!
Suspected bomb, circa 2014
Ten years ago, a suspected bomb appeared on the street in my city, and everyone came to have a look while the authorities were examining it
Dog Plays The Wind Chimes Every Day So She Can Sing Along
[deleted by user]
Me recordo al muerto parao y el muerto en motora
When you go to a funeral in the Hispanic Caribbean 😂😂😂💯💯💯
Moonlight - La La Land revelation
A classic wheezing
What does this tail shake say?