T-shirt quilt featuring lots of BN
New Viewer: The Unspoiler, WTF Viewing Order
Thinking of watching the show, LF some spoiler free info first?
I can’t turn left into my neighborhood
Georgia Peach has arrived out West! Wasn't sure we were going to get this one any time soon.
My Fiancé installed some new Jelly shelves for me!💕
Everyone going to Dallas
My 10 year old made a boombox for my boyfriend and me
haul from florida! all of the gas stations i have gone to had some cans. bringing these back to missouri lol
Have you guys received your ticket on the app? I haven’t it just says getting tickets ready?
So ready for next Friday
Anyone else hate the album art?
My knots aren't knotting
Bracelets, Newport
I'm not sure it's the right subreddit, and it might be a stupid question, but is it possible that I've accidentally tattooed my arm?
What's a FOB song that you can't/couldn't understand without reading the lyrics
mandatory fabric elastic cord appreciation post
You guys really listen to Winona Fighter….
Listening to Kayak Jones on Spotify and I’m pretty sure this is Tades from Hot Mulligan in their artist profile photo? Or am I crazy?
Which energy drink gives you guys the “cleanest” or purest energy feeling?
Not necessarily tattoo advice…
New Polar Flavors? Poolside Grape Pops and Blueberry Lavender.
Do you see your Tattoo Design before the appointment? What’s the standard in 2025?
Does ANYONE know where Pete got this hoodie from and where can I get it?! (I live in uk)
Ordered mac and cheese, received this monstrosity that is 5% mac and 95% cheese