What should I watch next ?
Some of my favorite wallpapers ^^
What YT app are you using?
Regular youtube is UNFUCKINGBEARABLE
Not a single Adblocker for Safari is working properly.
Bolter porn required
Por favor recomiendenme un silla, me estoy volviendo loco.
Finished Eisenhorn Trilogy, looking for Space Marines books recommendations
Juego de cagarme a espadazos con bichos, con buenos combos y farmeo?
Getting back into games (PC) after 13 years. What are the must play titles, open to any genre, since Skyrim?
Distro de Linux
Wh40k chaos space marine
A fantasy novel/series for someone who has not explored the genre
Name A Better Villian⁉️📈💀👑🥶🔥❤️✨
Que Linux recomiendas para un principiante que totalmente nuevo en esto ?
How do you make use of your tab?
Must Have Apps
One of the reasons why I’m glad the ultra line exists
My everyday work tool, Fedora 40 KDE 💙
Looking for: a Simple Fantasy themed tactics game
I want a crime/detective game with a good story...
Developers of F40: Fedora 40 is the most incredible OS I have ever used.
The Dark Knight
Need to fill my new 1TB NVME, any suggestions?
Goku Ultra Instinct Anime Style attemps