A wise man once said “and I freaked it”
Recommendations for stiffer boots/bindings (fused ankle) for carving and powder.
Can somebody give some feedback on my riding please?
How'd I do?
Second jump attempt what did I do wrong?
Improve riding
Help me find new shoes that fit my 30 year old binding or at least similar bindings.
Riding Advice
When should you decide to go posi posi
First time trying posi/posi. Still struggle with heel side
You’re not carving, and I’m not sure why it matters.
Loose bindings
Board Recs - All Mountain Freestyle
Park Board recs?
What can I improve except wearing a helmet? (Forgot it at home)
Jak him off
2009 fit sport 121k miles for $7000. Good deal or nah?
Board suggestion
Ski goggles damaged
What went wrong?
Do these count as carves?
Rare Snowboard?
Student Capstone Project - Ski & Snowboard Tech Gear
Pow groomers in Kiroro—How’s my riding?
Side wall top sheet damage repair ?