Girl mirin
The Dragon spacecraft with the SpaceX Crew-10 docks with the ISS and they Join the Expedition 72 Crew aboard the station.
Crappy Fairground Ride Art Starter Pack
To make a Fully Self Driving car with just cameras for sensors
Asked for ChatGPT to create an image of us hanging out..
Reporter accidentally pushes microphone into Trump's face
There can only be one.
So efficient. Much wow.
“Reducing Plastic” yeah about that…
Has Earth been constantly been shown to rotate in the opposite direction since this episode?
The only way to describe CyberTruck
Can someone tell me whats going on?
Forbidden Chocolate Pudding
The bgirl ranked #2 behind Raygun in WDSF rankings after the Olympics, bgirl Riko
I don’t think chat understood the assignment
Can you disable ae channels in atm10
Hydroponic Efficiency Comparison - Industrial Foregoing (I discovered that there is a speed limit for the machine itself)
Wow, so interesting! /s
That drowning feeling
Why was there a deer leg in the hole 12 trash??
To post a picture of a pez dispenser that didn't break any rules.
What would Adolf Hitler do to the Japanese if he managed to conquer the world?
It's been over 10 years.. I really fear that day
[Request] what's the chances of the ball not getting into one of the cups?
6H minutes?