What is this invincible edge?? (and how do I delete it?)
Found this on Twitter, and I ask you all my fellow Transformers fans under 25: What's your first iteration with the franchise?
I was told that May 10th is Kraken day, so I'm celebrating by placing a teleport pad near the Kraken so anyone who wants to celebrate has a quick way of getting there (temporarily replacing Kane).
Finally! After 2 years I finally have my blue rose 🥹
Has anyone else not been getting OWL tokens?
Mojang have revamped the default Steve and Alex skins, your thoughts?
Opinions on Plume? Is it worth it? What other options could I have?
This is in a silver game, his tracking is insanely sus, and he aims at people through the walls several times? I never accuse of hacks in this game, but this is the first time I genuinely felt like someone was cheating against me
OW1 Junkrat VS OW2 Junkrat 🤎
Merle needs to tell you something
Finally realized the point of these circles surrounding wizards: they're actually an indication of your current health.
A curious question I just had how many people in this sub Reddit have also been playing since the very beginning?
The End of an Era | RIP twitch.tv/destiny 2011-2022
Claim your here before 5 year archive trophy
found some memes i saved in 2019, hope y’all hate them as much as me
Paramore’s next album
Hey everyone! A little bit ago I made a arcade-style game in 24 hours using Clickteam Fusion 2.5 and I thought I would share it here if you want to check it out :)
The control point for my Koth map inspired by the Half-life testchamber.
The Dark Dwellers - Prologue/Tutorial demonstration
Just came out; How do I find a doctor
Just came out: How do I find a doctor?
How do I start HRT?