I'm still confused about the exact diatance for which back attack works
The best epic bonus out of all
Grand Rover
I heard that if you smelt hydrazine you can get some cool hydrazine bricks. Is that true?
Is Tzu still meta ?
Double standard?
Rail Car automation component bug
Wtf am ai supposed to do here I’m getting annoyed I can’t fight on insane
I just discovered the Voyager 2 probe on Vesania.
How can I get many bytes?
Old nano farm my wife built
Successfully wasted 7,135 gems for Butcher weapon. This was the last option I was left with. If my screen recording wasn't failed, I could even show you how unfair the roulette was. Read the below description.
Made it possible…
Terrible matchmaking
Hi, I'm new, does anyone know how to make this generator fill automatically?
Any other barehanded shadows out there
Is this worth 3k gems? Is it the best weapon for Sarge?
High dojo players
Why did bro lose so many trophies? We were the same Dojo, I even had higher level characters than him. I even had more trophies than him. Twice he lost 24 trophies.
Need help getting more fps
How does throwing actually works?
Which w$$d are the Devs high on?
Why are these bots harder