My Tiny Voxel game is fully destructable, rendered with Ray Tracing and runs at 4K 120 FPS! Happy to answer any questions about how this is done in Unity!
Imagine we had a STW PvP Mode where the one half plays as the husks and the other one plays as normal players and has to defend the data, shelter, bomb, etc.
10 days of work on my new game
Unity C# developer to learn together!
[Hobby] Unity C# developer to learn together!
The new 'Pump and Dump' weapon should be added to STW
Signing off.
Guys will see this and say "hell yeah"
Help!! I can't remember a scene that had a really cool quote!
I feel like nobody sees me
My luck
Pls fix the lighting it played a huge role back in the days
Rate my Base
They forgot to change it
Here is how to use your founders friend codes!! Enjoy!!
How are players skipping the rewards recap and start insantly emoting during the victory screen?
this gotta be 1 in a million
Any multiplayer/coop game with good progression and not level based or extraction?
The deed has been done
It said “llama shop” before. New name.
This is genuinely concerning and feels so wrong!
Didn't expect this so soon. The Miku takeover is real
Save The World UI Present And Future
Save the World 33.20 Update Notes
I bought an old Fortnite pack that contains StW access but I haven't gotten anything in game