i wish i didn’t tell my family
my husband’s request for burial is insane
3 days after Dday, still wondering how to procede.
“I wasn’t thinking about you”
What underwear to wear after surgery?
i feel so lost
some comments on a tiktok about waiting until marriage
What's something your clients do that makes you want to scream internally lol? :P
Dorm room menstrual cup
Family Day Ceremony CANCELLED??
What are some things in media about women you’re tired of seeing?
first ever laparoscopy! advice and tips please 🥹
[pc game] [2000s ish] game with a magic dragon/dinosaur that blew bubbles w baby animals
Did going from 10mg to 20mg worsen your apathy?
sexual arousal without sexual attraction ?
HOCD/so-ocd and rocd and same sex fantasies
How do you describe your pain or discomfort?
Mirena insertion while awake
How do I talk to my doctor about getting a Laparoscopy?
advice / recommendations
Did 10mg per day for a month. Been off for 2 and a half weeks. Lips are now constantly inflamed. help
Skincare/makeup routine?
What are these disgusting maggots with flagella?
i’ve seen my sisters doppelgänger..twice