The Dragon's Covenant - 85k words WIP
I just discovered Reddit Wrapped and i love it.
Excuse me?
The wars we wage
Anyone recommend either of the two new releases?
Why is my character such an idiot?
What have i done?....
What's the biggest bs you saw in an if?
Weeping gods and its problems.
The piece plan
My reaction when Gabriel fighting seven SWAT soldiers armed to the teeth while half naked and wrestles them all one by one
Орлёнок-Eaglet is very interesting.
Feels like reading a novel lol
Searching for a title i forgot!
What does this mean
I Love Both OF Them ❤️
kingdoms and empires is good, but....
Shout out to the authors that gave me the option to not care.
Never forget what A Crown of Sorcery and Steel unleashed upon the world
Using her as my cocksleeve during long ride
Happy new year you beautiful fucks!!!! 😁
Turn 1 Heinrix executioner submitting his application for new Emperor