How much hours do you have in game and what is your rank?
"FACEIT AC is currently running as administrator, this is not recommanded."
I can't see my skins in-game.
While streaming if I pull up Twitch VODs or Highlights it crashes my internet
Outrageous m0nesy 1v4 on inferno
Just for fun, what is your Faceit level/elo, ESEA Rank, and MM Rank?
0,000s defuse during faceit lvl10 match !
[EU] lft duo 3k2 & 3k5 elo
Didn't get elo from win.
game didn't affect elo (i guess everyone has the same issue)
is there any way to get a second volt switch tm?
Can anyone French translate/transcribe what apEX is shouting here towards Kyojin?
SUGGESTION: Add a setting to turn off the 'click' sound whenever somebody sends a message in text chat
Maki drops 143 kills on three maps!
Saw some amateurs today
NiKo using the crowd for info
Loba destroys cadiaN
3077 hours, 1 167 wins, player since day one and CSS before, never got above supreme, today I finally peaked.
my internet crashed in warmup
342 elo on FACEIT Losing every single game...
About crouch spraying
Natus Vincere - NAVI Academy signs a 13-year-old player “froz1k”
I wanted to share my best time on the new Yprac Aim Trainer workshop map
i got a good awp 4k live and wanted to share