Trump: Zelenskyy can come back when he is ready for peace
every other post in the sub...
I've been trying to come up with a sliding parts rig for a while now, so I can rig a Behelit from Berserkfor a personnal project and I think I've done pretty well :)! What do you guys think ? I was inspired by the Food Thief rig
spent 2 years growing an animation account to 73 k followers - it's hacked and it seems like there is nothing do
Progress pics goal weight achieved!
Any reason to use MP4 over Fragmented MP4? Does the latter have any known issues?
Beans 2 - Fake Commercial
Nvidia fact in a video I can't find
Let them eat cake
Picture of 1 cubic millimeter of brain
After getting 4.8 million hits in 4 days tik-tok decided this animation was too 'graphic' and has been covered - what does r/tiktokCringe think ?
childish cartoon banned for being too shocking - appeal struck down
gonna be lit growing up
1000 percent this
Oklahoma county commissioner resigns after being recorded talking about lynching Black residents
Putin likes to arrive late to meetings with world leaders as a power move, making them wait for hours to show "he's in charge." Interestingly, Biden insisted on arriving later than Putin when they met in Geneva. Putin arrived before Biden.
morgan freeman did NOT voice act this
Really love how AI can improve on your work without adding to it visually
man inventig fire was a slippery slope guys
man invents fire
‘Avatar: The Way of Water’ Overtakes ‘Titanic’ as Third-Highest Grossing Movie of All Time
Disney announces several waves of new memes for r/shittymoviedetails