Genuine question about the perk system - why limited?
Stability or neutral? Kinda confused..
Please help, way too overwhelmed with shoes
Please help with a shoe, i am overwhelmed..
Wie besorgt seid ihr um die Zukunft?
Genau das ist mein Problem mit den Wählern der FPÖ
Ich kann auch 3 nicht von 3 unterscheiden,
Anyone else change their HUD on zombies and now it's laggy ? And can't change their HUD back!
Musk macht zum Amtsantritt von Trump den Hitlergruß
Do you think these are the real screen bezels?
Switch 2 worth it?
Merge PC into PS5?
Playing it for the first time. Any suggestions ?
Treyarch Developers deciding to remove Infected from the game. Circa 2024
Galaxy Watch 7 vs Galaxy Watch 6 vs Pixel Watch 3
Is there a benefit to buying the ring when i use the watch daily?
Galaxy watch 6 44mm bluetooth. No gps?
Galaxy Watch saved me from phone theft
I love this show so much i cant find anything close as good
As an Older Player
Why are people so obsessed with quick grinding?
Anyone here love multiplayer but doesn't play warzone at all?
Can't change attachements?
Darf man hier abbiegen/umkehren?
Thinking of switch, samsung feels like a scam