What is a myth about your country that is 100% false but many people believe is true?
Why are Australia flaura and fauna so dangerous?
I want a blank name on this game called Mine-Craft .io
How do I make a custom language with custom characters into a working virtual keyboard?
10+ years of ownership and this is the first time I had a chance to park next to another MR2
I bought this in the mid 90's, but the case appears to be the Vietnam War version of the Callimus Jet Pilot survival knife. How do I make it nice again?
If you get the reference, you're old!
I bought my slide rule in 1969, standing light in 1973, Bose ST 200 in 1984, Bose 401 in 1989, 1987 supercharged AW11 MR2 in 1991, and Callimus Jet Pilot survival knife in 1995.
Are you old enough to remember this historic front page?
Glad that I wasn't a stoner in the 70s
For those who regularly change - modifications to your car - Do you notify your insurer each and every time you make a change?
I REALLY HATE vegetables what are your hacks to get veggies into your diet
How stoned am I? I uploaded this picture to imgur, and forgot why I did. I have been staring for a good 10 minutes, I have no clue.
My Daily Drive/Track since 1991. The AC doesn't work
What is happening with Torrent Galaxy?
Hi, I’ve been thinking and planning on buying a AW11 MR2 my first proper enthusiast car just wondering if that’s a good idea
Can I drive a car just been in an accident
My Daily Drive/Track Car since 1991
Over the 1000 members!!!
Wheel And Tyre Package Suggestions?
How old is your car?
Beeping your car horn as you leave the driveway to say 'goodbye' - cool or just disrespectful to neighbours?
I'm conflicted on whether I should keep my sports car and interested to hear from others.
If you opened an “Australian Restaurant” in another country, what would it be like and what would you serve?
My favorite unicode character is…