It’s it really that weird to plan it together?
You have to name your child like this:
Mini Incision Bump
How much can we do pacifiers?
Weird Reaction to Cytotec
How Young is too Young for a Sitter?
What do we think about post partum belly wraps?
How Bad Was the 6 Week Checkup?
Give me all your non-typical nausea remedies!
OBGYN is going on maternity leave
Numbness above incision
Who was your first celebrity crush?
Been 8 days after operation
Do you have a nickname for your baby?
When to start wearing a belly band
How to survive post birth guilt?
Fast Supply Increase Tips?
Sleep Crying
Has anyone had a successful first pregnancy with no prior miscarriage?
Salty drink before section?
Baby kicks my scar
When did you get your first ultrasound?
Is this normal? Or a seziure
Are potluck weddings tacky?