Weekly questions, bugs, and gameplay megathread - March 2025
I wish this trio is cannon(by EmmShin)
Not a bad lineup
How do they retcon this
What's one peeve you have with a good skin? I'll start:
I am a D1 Gatekeeper. All of you posting your rants about not getting the emblem is what fuels me.
This retcon makes about what? 40 years of characterization a huge lie?(x-men blue)(your thoughts on this retcon?)
/r/PTCGP Trading Post
Top 20 X-Men stories: Day 5
A page from House/Powers of X that I coloured myself:
Would this be a good base body
The Thing is extremely useless if your team refuses to push up with you
Still the real GOAT
pvp used to be funny till this guy show up
Top 20 X-Men stories: Day 4
From XOX Leaks - Event text
Playing the Cynthia Deck as intended
These are supposedly all of the datamined leaks. Honestly, it looks like a pretty exciting list
Looks like the next season is going to be focused on Hellfire Gala (X0X_LEAK)
My experience with Wonder Pick
Anyone else think this missile tease is for Maximum Series Hulk (based on JayC leaks saying he comes with em)
Livestream spoiler
Crazy if true. Extra chrono tokens to units
Liokaiser is officially funded