Guys she's officially mine and home :)
Cyclists Chased by Two Pitbulls
Part rottie, but with brindle markings lol
Leo and his daily pillow pile
What’s your favourite and least favourite thing about pitties?
Like Pokémon, Leo has to. Catch all the pillows
Leo needs sunglasses
Dirt or fire
Josh has a “lawyer” now. Will we no longer hear, “I can’t afford a lawyer”?
If you could be neurotypical for one day, what's the first thing you'd do?
Tyler showing himself working out .
new shoes
Oil stains on concrete
Employment Lawyer
My Little poverty puppy on his first day on the job...
He's very pleased that he kicked me out of my spot, snoring even
Do couch cushions count as pillows?
Hooknreel stl
Do all pibbles hate rain? Lol
Is he talking about himself?
Omg this is so funny