Be scared
Do girls get taught how to treat a man from their parents?
You can only eat one meat for the rest of your life, which is it?
Have you done any modelling or do you think you could?
Do you think the world will be a more peaceful place when white people are minorities in Western countries?
9.5 miles done. 4'4" & 59 yrs old
Do you drink coffee How do you like it?
Who was your favorite og starter?
My father found out I was planning to build a PC and got me this. Thanks dad.
How heavily tattooed are you?
3 ear piercings at the same time?
Home Made, got a bit carried away.
Meet up in Amsterdam tomorrow (
Do you believe in karma?
What is you opinion on socks?
Favourite Eeveelution?
What video game(s) are you playing at the moment?
Me still enjoying the dress from the last 4 star banner because I have to save diamonds.
Greggs Pizza we got delivered.
Celestial Springs, Florenaux (me), 3D, 2025
I love how british people speak
So I decided to dig a hole
do you all agree with trump's deportations of undocumented immigrants?