Did we just delayed a new Automaton enemy type? 🥲
What happened here?
new melee weapon!!
Frigislash new pokemon?
Meta trainer ID (OC non-commercial)
What genius use of AI have you come up with?
Work abilities ideas
Shared XP for pals working in a guild base?
Weekly questions, bugs, and gameplay megathread - February 2024
Magikarp jump compatibility?
LF: shiny go stamp FT: pics
Trading event Pokémon for pogo SHINES or other events
FT : pogo stamped Shiny celebi, Hoopa, Ultra ball backpack code, 26 Lechonk codes, Shiny iron hands. LF: Offers, Shiny legends/mythicals.
LF offers; FT pogo
LF: Shalphas & Shiny & Event offers FT: Pics (None PoGo Stamped)
FT: Shinies LF: second photo
LF: shiny PoGo stamped or competitive ready Pokemon from old games FT: every single EVENT pokemon with correct date, OT and ID (most of them are cloned from the original ones)
LF: shiny PoGo stamped or competitive ready Pokemon from old games FT: basically every single EVENT pokemon with correct date, OT and ID (most of them are cloned from the original ones) (pics to help you understand)
LF: any shiny Pokémon FT: any generated mon of your choice. (Has to be available on switch)
Giveaway Friday!
LPT: best strategy to stop nail biting?
do you get more excited for familiar designs reimagined or for more abstract designs?
What are your thoughts on these three