Jingliu Crit Rate Poll again.
Jingliu E6S5 vs MOC 10 by NotALeaks
which boots should I use?
Is it worth going for E2?
E1 Latest Changes: Now a LV 6 basic Attack?
What are Jingliu’s best eidolons?
Buffed Jingliu Gameplay via NotALeaks
Jingliu's latest beta leak showcase by Hiro420 from C0ck_team, says her buff is crazy
Jingliu Megabuff Showcase
The new changes are insane
cheap STD/STI clinics?
Is JingLiu future proof?
How valuable is Pela E4 considering it'll turn her from SP+ unit to SP neutral unit to apply Ice PEN?
After seeing her numbers in MoC, Jing Liu looks like she's coming in 3rd place in terms of damage rankings. Thoughts?
March 7 Free New Skin in 1.4 ingame look
Can Fu Xuan solo sustain a Jingliu Team?
current damage potential
Would you use your jing liu tô beat Yanqing ass if he became a SU boss?
Official HSR onlyfans tier list
Does age really doesn’t matter?
Thoughts on pangongopya or kopyahan?
Voice of the Galaxy|Developer Radio vol.3
What Should i change?
How it started vs. how it's going. Finally switched to Crit DMG chests. How was your Cavern of Corrosion event haul?