3 STARS, Looking for Shaymin
LF leafeon, giratina or luxray
LF Porygon Z 🔹🔹🔹
Trading/Friend Code Weekly Megathread
Looking for
LF: Dusknoir
/r/PTCGP Trading Post
Guess I’m an unlucky bastard
For some reason I have the best luck hatching larvesta. I’ve hatched 7 while others i know have only gotten 1
Is this something I should keep as Shadow?
so i got shundo machop should i still invest on my other machamp?
Why are we still giving jobs to foreigners for H1B visas when there are so many new grads and jobless Americans?
Job offer rescinded after negotiation?
Evolve or let it be?
Newish player, is my best one&only shiny, should I invest stardust&metiorite/mega evolve, or wait
One day I’ll catch one… one day
The Spotlight Corner
My job search has finally come to an end. Offer accepted! (STATS)
Gartner recruitment broke me
I finally beat the hardest call of duty zombies easter egg, It was one of the best easter eggs I have ever beaten up there with origins, but god is it hard holy shit.
What is your favorite ee or mini ee