Just noticed that Kaneki's model in Dead by Daylight has a massive, open scar where he constantly bites his fingers
Just noticed that Kaneki has a massive, open scar where he constantly bites his fingers.
Just noticed that Kaneki has a massive, open scar where he constantly bites his fingers LMAO
Now that were getting tokyo ghoul, what other anime licenses would you like to be added?
Cold day in hell on the PTB today
What's the most satisfying sound in DbD for you?
I bought Auric Cells on my Xbox, but they aren’t showing up on PlayStation. Should I be worried?
Mending Simulator (OC)
If you somehow manage to stun Houndmaster's dog while he's standing on uneven terrain, Snug's rotation gets... confused.
Houndmaster nerfs are getting out of hand, they flipped my dog onto the Z axis : (
Welp, that's all my luck burnt for the year
The Taurie staring at me from the Shack Window after that had me rolling in laughter
I figured out the Mascot skin is from Silent Hill
So don't get pinned by Wesker against the zombies. Got it.
Alan Wake cosmetics we need before 2026
When the power is so bad that the killer gets their win condition, but still loses for it
When they reduced the cooldown of Houndmaster power they also forgot to decrease the duration of her blood-warden effect, meaning she can soft lock survivors for the full end-game collapse in the gates...
So happy Houndmaster has a "taunt" for when you bodyblock somebody
In What Order Should I Play The Other Remedy Games Before Playing Alan Wake 3?
What’s a crossover character you’d due to have in DBD even if it’s completely unlikely? I’ll go first.
What's a skin you like using that you never see other players use? I'll go first:
Now that I've P100'd 2 characters (with a 3rd in the works), I thought it would be nice to share what I've learned, and make a guide for saving bloodpoints in bloodwebs!
This most overtuned Surv perk in the game right now, no questions asked
Using a new visual bug, we can have a bit of interaction between base Houndmaster and her poodle! Lobby only sadly
She's not even fat... lol