[KCD2] Did the patch really break the game?
[KCD1] Monastery quest drove me insane
Guys my mouse just ran out of clicks
Fees for the pickleball court that replaced the FREE basketball courts in my gated community. (Follow-up)
Is smoking crack the best base for MMA?
My parents didn’t know I got onto birth control until I got this notification, thanks apple
This app blocks social media until you drink water
No tip freakout
Cinema peaked at this instant. You can't prove me otherwise
My personal favourite🤤
Films that broke the gender stereotype in Hollywood
Bulma cosplay long time ago
Was gonna feel bad for the girl but....
Is this classy trashy?
Artist Simon Bull Painting
Don't forget the "Tarantino feet" jokes
What was her fucking problem?
TIL i can loot her body after all these years
hUgE tErRiER mAuLS mAn WhO dArEd To DiStUrB fEeDiNg TiMe
Henry better calm the fuck down [KCD2]
I like to eat Beef stew mixed with takis.
ِA passerby saves a little girl from electrocution Egypt
Favorite actor who did things in the 80s that would get them crucified/blacklisted today?
Kenny vs. Spenny Archives?
47k for a microliter of a drug. How is someone supposed to pay for that?